SEINFELD - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
ZONE VISIT MEETING - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
Yes, quite similar!
seinfeld was a show about "nothing.
" it had no plot.
no twists.
SEINFELD - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
ZONE VISIT MEETING - no clear theme, characters whining about inane stuff
Yes, quite similar!
now that the jws have entered the world of fashion law enforcement we need to be on guard against certain dangerous associates.. .
len miller.
[with my best Andrew "Dice" Clay/Tony Morris impression] :
"What are they, a couple of HO-MOs?"
How about being interviewed by Howard Stern?
This would be awesome.
I'm sure Billy West could do a dead-on Tony Morris impression.
so, how many times have we heard this expression (or a variation of it):.
"jehovah's spirit seems to be blocked here in the congregation...perhaps he is bringing something to light...etc".
it seems that the org often uses this expression, and links it with the "fact" that god wont bless a cong as much,(or at all) if there is "stuff" or "sins" being carried out.. so, why is it then that the cong i am in is experiencing its best years of activity in all aspects?
Some Metamucil should clear that blockage.
i expected the streaming of such a large meeting to focus on 100 years of kingdom rule.
not a single mention.
instead more drivel about insignificant things like yoga pants.
I'll tell you, 101, 107, 113, 120 years does not have the same "ring" as "a century of kingdom rule."
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
BILLYTEB - Watched CHICAGO Saturday night after the mtg just to see that number! Just about says it all. (Excellent movie BTW)
i have enjoyed reading your comments during the past four years.
deep down inside, i have always been agnostic.
the first few chapters in genesis are contradictory and differing.. no one has ever been able to answer my question: "why was satan ever created?".
Welcome GAME1914OVER!
i think now, more than ever, this psuedo-religion needs to be exposed.
they are harming people mentally, emotionally, and financially.. they are a registered charity which does not perform charitable works.. they are pillaging kingdom hall funds which were voluntarily given by the friends for the benefit of their own congregation.. they discourage higher education for young people while encouraging them to donate their entire life to "kingdom interests".
they wilfully and deliberately pull the wool over the eyes of the rank and file with their ever changing doctrines.. .
Let's keep on exposing them, each of us doing what we can. We owe it to our friends and family who are still members.
Actually. . ...
I plan on not continuing to expose the Society. . . .
because they do a WAAAY better job at it than I do!*
*see this past weekend's zone meeting
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
This is because it's a religion that is only interested and concerned in outward appearance.
This is also the real reason why they "hate" pedophilia.
this is the scuttlebutt in one of the "bethel congregations" by us.. no details as to exactly what this "faith-testing" announcement might be.. anyone else hear any of this pre-zone visit hype?.
Ok, I'm now convinced that GC is NoRoomForGeorge reborn.
I'll second that BALTAR.